Keep up with the pack

Bigfoot Creative’s SEO specialist is highly ethical, experienced, and can put your business in front of people who are already looking for your products or services.

Through a combination of technical expertise, in-depth competitor research, well-written copy, and targeted content promotion, we will put your business website in the best possible position to drive more traffic, convert more leads and ultimately increase revenue. Let’s get started on your business’s custom SEO strategy.


Please note: Our books are currently full and we are no longer taking on new clients for SEO and Google Ads management for 2022. 

No lock-in contracts

We understand that circumstances change in business. We’re here to help you, not trap you.

Pay by the hour

Our fees are charged by the hour and each invoice is clearly itemised so you know what you’re paying for.

Clear reporting

Our monthly reports are clear and easy to understand. No techinical jargon or confusing acronyms.

Custom strategy

We won’t just throw a bunch of backlinks at your site and hope for the best. We look at your market and strategise for it.

Competitor research

We keep a close eye on your market and your compeititors to ensure your business is keeping up with the pack.

Ethical SEO

We believe in better websites, not just better rankings. That means when you work with us, we will take a holistic approach to your SEO stragegy, working from the foundation up.

If you are obsessed with rankings and are only looking for a quick fix, you have come to the wrong place. We believe in providing an evergreen service where your website and it’s content will continue to evolve and adapt to reach the right kind of market. After all, your business could reach the top page of Google but if your website is slow, the images poor and the content lacking, will anyone actually pick up the phone?

When you engage our services, you can expect us to take an in-depth look into the areas listed below. We will work with you to make any necessary changes to ensure your SEO strategy has the maximum impact.

  • Website UX, content, imagery, calls to action, lead generation tools
  • Brand identity
  • Competitors and where your business fits in the market
  • Timelines, goals and budget

We’re often asked…

SEO is an acronym that stands for search engine optimization. SEO is the process of optimising your website to get organic or un-paid traffic from search engine results pages (such as Google). In simple terms, SEO basically involves making certain changes to your website design and content that makes your site more attractive to a search engine. You do this in hopes that the search engine will display your website as a top result on the search engine results page.

For SEO services, we charge $150 per hour ex GST. For ongoing SEO work, we require a minimum investment of 5 hours per month. This is to ensure we have enough time to make a meaningful impact with our work provided. At the time of meeting with you to discuss your SEO goals, we will research your market and competitors to get a realistic expectation around how many hours per month will be needed. As time moves on and your website starts to see results, we can lessen the number of hours needed each month. Rest assured, our pricing is ethical and we will never charge extra hidden fees, lock you in or charge you for unnecessary work.

That depends on many different factors such as how much groundwork is required and what the level of competition is like. Generally speaking, you can expect to see tangible results withing 3 – 6 months.

If your goal is to position your business directly in front of searchers that are actively seeking your services, then yes absolutely!

We work mostly with WordPress and Woocommerce.

Yes, we can but please be advised that we will first provide an audit of your website and identify areas that require changes to be made. This audit will indicate any structural or technical issues as well as what content needs to be changed, added, or developed.

Yes. Usually, we will need a contact person within your business to liaise with. This is because part of our process is to develop content for your website through blogs or other means. Since you or your staff will know your business and industry better than us, we will need your input from time to time.

In the past, we have heard from clients that are paying someone to “do SEO” but don’t really know what it is they’re paying for. Before you engage us, we will provide you with your custom SEO strategy which will include exactly what we will be doing month to month. We believe in being completely transparent with our clients and letting them know in plain English what it is they’re paying for.

It’s time to bring your business out of the woods

Contact us for a friendly, no-obligation chat.